• Pink Floyd The Wall interview on upcoming Rockline Radio


  • 07.02.2012

  • On Wednesday, February 22nd, the syndicated US rock radio programme Rockline ( will be airing a special archive episode featuring the surviving members of Pink Floyd, looking at The Wall, which of course soon appears as upcoming Immersion and Experience editions. David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Roger Waters discuss the album with host Bob Coburn. Initial reports incorrectly stated that it would be a new interview - it's not. For details of the various US radio stations that carry the Rockline broadcasts, many of whom stream their output live across the world via their websites, visit (

  • Roger Waters confirms Boston Fenway Park Wall concert


  • 06.02.2012

  • July 1st Roger Waters Wall concert at Boston's historic Fenway Park ( The venue was one of the places in the US where Roger did initial lighting/projection tests to see whether his idea of playing in baseball stadiums would work. The ( presales take place from February 13th; a small number of advance tickets will be available to those who have registered their interest in this particular city. General sale tickets will go on sale on February 20th through this link to ( The public sale will also see a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour. For those who've not seen it already, at the end of January 2012 the Boston Herald posted the picture to the left, which preceeded the official announcement from Roger's team today...

  • Taken By Storm exhibition to open at Newcastle gallery


  • 02.02.2012

  • London's gallery@oxo in 2009 (our review here) (, is now heading up to the north of England. The exhibition opens at the Opus Art Gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne next Monday (February 6th), and runs until March 16th, 2012. As before, entrance is free. Celebrating some 40 years of creating iconic artwork for not just Pink Floyd, but other artists such as Led Zeppelin, Muse, The Mars Volta, and Peter Gabriel, Taken By Storm is a great chance to see some of the most memorable and disturbing yet intriguing album covers, presented in their best state, enlarged and pristine: big and bold like the music they seek to represent. Running for over a month, it is a wonderful opportunity to see some truly rare pieces - some familiar, others not so - in a gallery setting. The quality and vibrancy of their presentation is enthralling; the following shots give an idea of how the show has been laid out previously. You really do owe it to yourself (and to Storm!) to pay the exhibition a visit if you are able to... Taken By Storm ( which can be ordered through the following links: Amazon UK (, Amazon US/International (, Amazon Canada (, Amazon Germany (, or Amazon France ( If you live outside these countries, don't worry - Amazon stores will ship the book worldwide. EXHIBITION DETAILS This exhibition is open to the public from February 6th, through to March 16th 2012 at Opus Fine Art, Milburn House, Dean Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1NR. For more details, including opening hours, visit (

  • New video interview with Nick Mason


  • 01.02.2012

  • Just released is a four part video interview with Nick Mason, shot while in New Zealand for the 2012 NZ Vintage Car Club Rally by Richard Bossleman, and running for around 40 minutes. He spoke with Yahoo! Autos after doing some laps around the Manfeild circuit on the North Island last month in a V8 Gulf-GT40 Ford. Nick Mason was in New Zealand to appear at a vintage car rally event at Manfeild, where he drove a rare 1934 Alfa Romeo GT and the GT40 in two races - the Manfeild Pomeroy Event - that form part of the New Zealand International Vintage Car Rally. The interview provides a fascinating look inside the world of Nick's car collection, and his thoughts on cars of various makes and disciplines. Of course, no interview with Nick would go by without the smallest of mentions of Pink Floyd, and this is no exception to that rule. You can view all four parts below:

  • Pink Floyd tear down The Wall in US radio specials


  • 01.02.2012

  • Pink Floyd The Wall as an Experience, Immersion, and vinyl edition (, the respected US radio broadcaster Redbeard is airing a two-part special later this month in North America. His In The Studio specials have built a great reputation due to their mix of detailed interview and music, and in September he aired a special show looking at the recent release of The Dark Side Of The Moon in expanded editions, and in November, Wish You Were Here. The upcoming shows air during the week of February 20th, 2012 (part one), and the week of February 27th, 2012 (part two). Redbeard interviews David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Roger Waters for their thoughts on The Wall, and the show can be heard across North America - check his website for participating radio stations, and then local listings for exact time and date of broadcast. A number of the stations stream their content worldwide for fans in other countries. The interview will also be made available after broadcast at (, where you can also find some of his other Pink Floyd specials to stream at your convenience.

  • Roger Waters to play two nights at New York's Yankee Stadium


  • 31.01.2012

  • The Roger Waters tour of The Wall has just increased to 71 dates for 2012. The show remains at the legendary Yankee Stadium in the Bronx area for a second night, July 7th (, due to the first night selling very quickly indeed. The venue was one of the handful of outdoor stadiums in the US that Roger used for pre-tour announcement lighting tests, so that, along with the location (NY) means that it is no big surprise that a second night was swiftly added as tickets for July 6th promptly disappeared. The presales begin on February 5th at 10am, with the main bulk of tickets through this link at ( going on sale at 10am ET on February 11th. The public sale will also see a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour.

  • Roger Waters Wall tour wins Tour Sound Production award


  • 27.01.2012

  • On the day that Perth saw the 2010/11/12 Roger Waters The Wall Live tour resume ( with what was clearly a cracking show, the winner of the Tour Sound Production category at the 27th Annual TEC Awards was announced. The Technical Excellence Creativity Awards recognise the achievements of audio professionals and is presented annually by the TEC Foundation for Excellence in Audio. Despite coming up against the likes of Lady Gaga, Paul McCartney, and Robert Plant, Roger's sound production by Clair on The Wall tour triumphed, and the relevant clip from the awards ceremony can be seen here:2J9SmEpuNY0

  • Nick Mason - happy birthday!


  • 27.01.2012

  • All of us at Brain Damage offer our heartiest best wishes to Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason, who celebrates his 68th birthday today. The cornerstone of the band, he had his first drum kit at the tender age of 13. A member of Pink Floyd since the earliest iterations, he is the only one to have appeared on every one of their albums. Thanks to his father Bill, he has been a petrol head from a young boy, and cars have been - and remain - one of his major passions in life. His latest book, Passion for Speed (, was recently published, as was the first of a series of DVDs ( focusing on his cars (with Nick heavily involved). Nick has contributed to a number of magazines on motoring issues over the years (including a fascinating monthly column in Octane Magazine), and indeed three years ago became president of the Guild of Motoring Writers. He is a trustee of the Beaulieu National Motor Museum, and a life member and Guardian of the BRDC (British Racing Drivers Club). He has been involved in motor racing since the early 1970s and has entered Le Mans five times. Currently, Nick is in New Zealand as we recently reported, taking part in a motoring event there. As part of his time there, Radio New Zealand ( have interviewed him - follow the link to hear it. Congratulations on your birthday Nick - and many happy returns!

  • Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother - Paris performance


  • 24.01.2012

  • a performance in Paris ( Taking place at the Théåtre du Chåtelet, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, conducted by Jean-Jacques Justafré, was joined by Ron Geesin, who composed the piece in collaboration with Pink Floyd. The concert was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Education and dedicated exclusively to high school students. It was recorded by France Musique and will be aired on Wednesday, March 7th 2012, at 2pm ET as part of Anne-Charlotte Rémond's Concert In The Afternoon show. More information can be found here ( on the show, the radio station, and how to tune in. The two pictures here [click the thumbnails] are copyright and courtesy of Frances Geesin, with additional thanks to Joe Geesin, and to Ron too, of course.

  • Dark Side Of The Moon - A Photographic Exhibition opens with Q&A
  • 22.01.2012

  • On Friday night, Dark Side Of The Moon - A Photographic Exhibition ( opened at the Brighton Dome. It's a special celebration of Pink Floyd's first (and quite troubled) attempt at a performance of their best-known album, which took place on January 20th 1972 at the venue. To start the exhibition in style, photographer Jill Furmanovsky, who took many of the pictures on display, underwent a 30 minute Q A with an interviewer, taking questions and comments from the audience as well. Some of the attendees were at the original 1972 shows, adding their own thoughts on them. Jill's own story proved quite fascinating, taking pictures at a tender age and falling into professional concert photography almost by chance, by the sound of it. Choice examples of her pictures of Pink Floyd adorn the various walls in the Founders Room, and the adjacent main bar of the venue - 11 in the bar, and 28 in the Founders Room. Alongside her shots are ones taken by Storm Thorgerson at various points, Tony Collins' wonderful shot of David Gilmour at London's Hyde Park in 1970, Colin Prime's 1967 Ruskin Park group shot, and one of Mick Rock's pictures of Syd outside his Earls Court flat. Particular favourites for me included a pair of 1972 Brighton shots with Roger hammering away at his gong, some of the 1974 backstage/soundcheck shots, and the terrific picture of all the band at the Live 8 rehearsals (a tantalising single glimpse of this historic practice session). The pictures below show Jill during the Q A, along with some of the opening evening's attendees studying the walls... The exhibition runs until March 20th, at the Founders Room at the Dome, and is open between 10am - 5pm on Tuesday through to Sunday, each week. Admission is free.

  • Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here: SACD review and interviews including James Guthrie


  • 22.12.2011

  • When it was first announced the Wish You Were Here Super Audio CD would be forthcoming, I greeted the news with excitement along with a healthy dose of skepticism - Floyd fans have been taunted with such good news before only to have their hopes eventually dashed. Then the surprising news broke - the Analogue Productions' record label would be releasing my favorite Pink Floyd album on Super Audio CD. And the best news yet - Pink Floyd Producer and Engineer James Guthrie had executed the 5.1 Surround Sound mix, sourced from the original analog master tapes. Everything was falling into the right place, except the waiting just killed me… A full disclosure is in order before we begin: Wish You Were Here is not only my favorite Pink Floyd album, it is my absolute reference recording of the modern music era - the essential desert island disc. So writing anything objective about Pink Floyd meant the journalist in me had to reconcile with the hardcore Floyd fan. Consider the legacy of Wish You Were Here - the album is thematically unified around the concept of absence in one form or another, but lyrically polarized; the Floyd waxed poetic about their past, while exposed an increasingly cynical present. This album was also meticulously constructed, even labored over in the studio, yet somehow musically it unfolded in broad dramatic strokes underscored by an outpouring of creative tension and heartfelt performances. While Wish You Were Here has been well documented and justifiably celebrated over the decades, the album isn't quite as commercially iconic as Dark Side of the Moon or conceptually dynamic as The Wall. Instead, Wish You Were Here is a multifaceted sonic masterpiece which sublimely connects with the strongest emotions unlike any other Pink Floyd album. The entire process of producing and bringing a Super Audio CD to market is quite complex. Since I had limited insight on the actual nuts and bolts of the process, I had questions, scores and scores of probing questions. I mean, anybody tampering with my favorite Pink Floyd recording had certainly put me on high alert. I wanted to learn as much as I could about the main constituents involved with the project. I also wanted to understand the technology involved. That meant a closer look at the record label behind the Wish You Were Here project; Analogue Productions owned by Acoustic Sounds, Inc. located curiously enough… in Salina, Kansas. Yes Floyd fans, I know precisely what you're thinking! What I found was a story no less intriguing but without all the smoke and mirrors.

  • Storm Thorgerson interview - November 2011


  • 05.12.2011

  • The Raging Storm - The Album Graphics of StormStudios (, the latest, absorbing book from legendary graphic designer, Storm Thorgerson, and his team. Associated with Pink Floyd since 1968, Storm, along with his colleagues Hipgnosis and more recently StormStudios, has provided most of the Floyd's album cover art along with other key imagery. Storm himself is a much respected personality within the world of Pink Floyd, his contribution a key part of their story. The Raging Storm is a collection of many pieces that StormStudios have completed for various artists over the past four years - not just for bands such as Pink Floyd, but more recent artists too, all of whom have been inspired to use StormStudios thanks to their painstaking approach to the work, creating often big and bold, unforgettable images, with a sense of humour or a cryptic note infusing each image. In late November 2011, we paid Storm a visit at his London studio for a chat about his career and work. Our extensive conversation found Storm in an expansive mood, talking in depth about the various bands he has worked with, techniques and considerations for his images (including the use of technology in album cover art), record companies and band management, and much more. Our fascinating discussion with Storm kicks off with him talking about the new book, before heading back through the years...

  • "The Raging Storm" - Storm Thorgerson & Peter Curzon


  • 26.11.2011

  • Just published is The Raging Storm - The Album Graphics of StormStudios, the latest, and equally essential book from our favourite graphic designer, Storm Thorgerson, and his team. Associated with Pink Floyd since 1968, Storm, along with his colleagues Hipgnosis and more recently StormStudios, has provided most of the Floyd's album cover art along with other key imagery. Storm himself is a much respected personality within the world of Pink Floyd, his contribution a key part of their story. The Raging Storm is a collection of many pieces that StormStudios have completed for various artists over the past four years - not just for bands such as Pink Floyd, but more recent artists too, all of whom have been inspired to use StormStudios thanks to their painstaking approach to the work, creating often big and bold, unforgettable images, with a sense of humour or a cryptic note infusing each image. Below we discuss this new book, which we recently chatted to Storm about. We'll share that interview with you very shortly, but in the meantime, if the book sounds interesting to you, we've got an exclusive discount on offer just to Brain Damage visitors, knocking around 15% off the price of the book. So without further ado, let's face the Raging Storm...

  • Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here 2011 Immersion edition


  • 20.11.2011

  • Continuing the Why Pink Floyd? campaign, Wish You Were Here now receives the lavish Immersion box treatment. As you can see below there are three sections comprising this review: 'The Winter of our Discontent' is a concise overview of Pink Floyd's 1974-75 time period with some interesting quotes and recollections. It also makes references to the content on the Experience and Immersion editions of Wish You Were Here. Pink Floyd historians can safely skip over this. The second section, 'Games for May' covers the current music business in relationship to the Floyd, Surround Sound from past to present, plus aspects of digital technology particularly as they relate to the Wish You Were Here Immersion box. This is brand new sonic territory for Pink Floyd, so I thought it deserved a much closer look. The third section is the actual 'WYWH Immersion Review' with all the information you'll need to know before making a potential purchase. So we won't feel disappointed if you skip ahead to read this! It you haven't made a decision yet, hopefully this review will help you decide which edition, any or all, of the 2011 WYWH editions to purchase. To complicate matters we also have the Super Audio CD (SACD) edition of WYWH, to be reviewed here shortly. As we close 2011, Pink Floyd fans certainly have a myriad of quality releases to consider for their music collections.



On 27 February 2012, EMI will release ‘Immersion’ and ‘Experience’ editions of Roger Waters’ opus, Pink Floyd ‘The Wall’, as the final instalment of the recent ‘Why Pink Floyd?’ re- issues and extended releases. ‘The Wall’ remains Pink Floyd’s biggest-selling release after 1973’s legendary ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’.

Released in November ’79, ‘The Wall’ topped the album charts in the US, France, Germany, Sweden and Australia. ‘Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2’ – Pink Floyd’s first UK single since 1968 – became a Number 1 hit, selling over a million copies within weeks of its release.

Between 1980 and 1981, Pink Floyd staged 31 performances of The Wall in the US, UK and Germany. It was a spectacular show that included a 40-ft wall, constructed, brick by brick, across the front of the stage during the performance. In 2010 and 2011 Roger Waters toured a new production of The Wall to huge International acclaim. He was joined on stage in May 2011 at London’s 02 Arena by guitarist, David Gilmour and drummer, Nick Mason. He continues to tour in the Southern Hemisphere and North America in 2012.

‘The Wall’ ‘Immersion’ 7-disc edition includes a DVD featuring a film clip from the 1980 tour and a ‘Behind The Wall’ documentary, plus, for the first time, CDs of excerpts from Roger Waters’ original demos and work-in-progress versions of songs on the final album. Additionally, among these previously unheard versions are David Gilmour’s original demos of ‘Comfortably Numb’ and ‘Run Like Hell’. The Immersion set also includes The Wall Live, compiled from the 1980-1981 original tour.

Both The Wall Immersion box set and Experience edition includes a rare recording of 'Another Brick In The Wall Part 1'. A highlight for fans, this demo showcases the evolution of the final track. Additionally, 'The Doctor' explores the origins of the landmark track 'Comfortably Numb', giving further insight into Pink Floyd's early demo recordings.

Following on from the ‘Immersion’ and ‘Experience’ editions of ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’ and ‘Wish You Were Here’, these new versions of ‘The Wall’ offer listeners a unique insight into another hugely successful chapter in the Pink Floyd story.

In 1978 after finishing Pink Floyd’s Animals stadium tour, Roger Waters devised the concept for the album ‘The Wall’. The album is a partly autobiographical story about a fictional rock star named Pink looking back at his early life and reflecting on the nature of fame and success.

Waters presented his band mates David Gilmour, Richard Wright and Nick Mason with an extensive demo of songs. Pink Floyd recorded their eleventh album ‘The Wall’ throughout 1979 in France, New York and Los Angeles, assisted by co-producer, Bob Ezrin and engineer, James Guthrie.

An adjunct to the sessions was the famous addition of a group of pupils from London’s Islington Green School, who recorded their backing vocals (“We don’t need no education…”) on Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 at Pink Floyd’s own Britannia Row Studios in London. This became the world’s introduction to the album with the release of its first single, an instant success, accompanied by a promotional film which included several of the groundbreaking images from the story, including Gerald Scarfe’s brilliantly realised marching hammers.

Pink Floyd: The Wall Immersion Box Set, Experience edition and Collectors 180g 2LP Vinyl edition are released 27 February 2012 through EMI. The 2CD remastered



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